Commander, the Bidens' 2-year-old German shepherd, has been removed from the White House

President Joe Biden's dog Commander has been moved from the White House because he kept biting people who work there, including Secret Service agents. Commander is a 2-year-old German shepherd who has bitten people 11 times since he came to the White House in 2021.
Joe Biden
A spokesperson for First Lady Jill Biden explained this decision. She said that Commander had bitten White House staff and Secret Service officers multiple times in the past year. One of the recent incidents happened when Commander bit a Secret Service agent.

The First Lady's communications director, Elizabeth Alexander, mentioned that President Biden and First Lady Biden care a lot about the safety of the people working at the White House. They thanked the Secret Service for their patience and support while they figure out what to do with Commander. However, the statement did not say where Commander was sent or if he would come back to the White House.

Commander has a history of biting people on the White House grounds. The most recent incident occurred on September 25 when he bit a police officer. Before that, there were 10 other biting incidents involving Secret Service officers. In one case, an agent had to go to the hospital, and they used a steel cart to protect themselves from a second attack.
Joe Biden
The First Lady's office had previously announced plans to improve Commander's behavior by giving him extra training and exercise areas on the White House grounds.

Before Commander, the Bidens had another German shepherd named Major who also had biting incidents and was sent to live with family friends in Delaware. Their other dog, Champ, passed away in June 2021, and they also have a cat named Willow. Please Share This News Thank You

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