US "Directing" Israeli Air Strikes In Gaza, Alleges Iran's Khamenei

Israel and Gaza Conflict

Recently, there has been a lot of fighting in the Gaza Strip, a place near Israel. The fighting began when some people from a group called Hamas went into Israel and, according to Israeli leaders, they killed more than 1,400 people. Most of the people who died were not soldiers but regular citizens.

Accusation Against the U.S

The leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that the United States is behind the attacks Israel is doing on Hamas in Gaza. He thinks that the U.S. is guiding these attacks in response to the October 7th events. Khamenei said that Americans are helping the criminals who are responsible for the violence.

The Conflict's Impact

The health ministry in Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas, reported that 6,545 people have been killed in Gaza because of this conflict, including 2,704 children. It's a very sad situation.

U.S. Actions

The United States is not on good terms with Iran. They have sent two big ships with planes on them to the eastern Mediterranean Sea. They say this is to keep an eye on Iran and another group called Hezbollah in Lebanon. Both of these are friends with Hamas, and the U.S. wants to make sure they don't get involved in the fighting.

The United States has also sent a few military advisers to Israel to help their friend in this situation.

Iran's Stance

Iran supports Hamas with money and weapons. They were happy about the attacks that happened on October 7th. However, they say they were not directly involved in these events. The Iranian leader, Khamenei, believes that in the end, the Palestinian people will win, and the world will belong to Palestine, not Israel.

U.S. Warning

The U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, told Iran that if their friends attack any U.S. people, they will respond quickly and strongly. They don't want a war, but they will protect their own if they are attacked.

Iran's Response

Iran strongly rejected the accusations from Blinken. They said that these claims were not based on any facts. Iran's representative to the United Nations disagreed with the blame being placed on their country. We kindly request you to disseminate this news and provide your insights in the comments section. Thank you

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