US Election 2024: U.S. warns of Russian efforts to sow doubt over upcoming elections around the globe 

The United States is telling almost 100 countries that Russian intelligence is doing something new to create problems in democracies. They're making people doubt if the votes and elections are fair, according to senior government officials.

Russia has always tried to help candidates it likes win elections in other countries. But now, they're trying a different trick. They want people to think that democracy itself isn't trustworthy.

The U.S. sent a message to embassies in more than 90 countries to pass along to their governments. The message says, "Russia is trying to make people not trust elections." The Associated Press got a copy of this message.
US Election 2024
We tried to call the Russian embassy in Washington, but they didn't answer.

Russia seems to be pleased with how well they did at spreading lies during and after the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Some people said there was a lot of cheating, but that wasn't true. Those lies caused the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. The lies are still causing problems, even in the U.S. House of Representatives, where the Republicans are thinking about giving an important job to one of the people who spread the lies, Rep. Jim Jordan.

One U.S. intelligence official said, "Russia is taking what it learned from the 2020 U.S. election and using it all over the world because it's not too expensive."

This warning comes before the U.S. presidential election next year. Right now, it looks like Donald Trump is likely to be the Republican nominee. There are also elections in other democracies, like the European Union parliament in June 2024.

In the warning to other countries, the U.S. said that between 2020 and 2022, Russia tried to mess with 11 different elections in nine countries. They also did less obvious things in 17 more democracies to make people question if their elections were reliable.

In one European country's election in 2020, Russia's intelligence agency tried to send people to scare campaign workers, cause trouble on Election Day, and mess up voting from outside the country.

In one South American country's election, Russia used Telegram to spread fake news about cheating. They also used trolls on social media to make people worry about what would happen after the election.
US Election 2024
The U.S. didn't say which countries were targeted because they've warned them already and want to respect their privacy. They did give some ideas to fight this, like telling the truth about election security, telling the public when someone is trying to mess up democracy, and maybe punishing the people doing it.

The U.S. has said before that Russia tried to mess with U.S. elections, like in 2016, when they wanted Donald Trump to win, and in 2016, they tried to get into Illinois' voter registration data. We kindly request you to disseminate this news and provide your insights in the comments section. Thank you

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