US House speaker vote: how did we get here and what happens next?

Republicans are in a bit of a hurry to find a new leader for the House of Representatives in Congress. This comes after they removed the previous leader, Kevin McCarthy. They need someone to steer the ship during important times, like figuring out how much money to give to Israel after a recent attack by a group called Hamas.

So, why is there no leader in the House right now? Well, Kevin McCarthy was the first House leader to be kicked out of his job. This happened because some people in his own party didn't like him. One of his critics, Matt Gaetz, made sure there was a vote to kick McCarthy out. Most of the Republicans supported McCarthy, but the Democrats joined forces and helped to remove him. Donald Trump, the former president and a top Republican, played a big role in getting rid of McCarthy.
Now, they are trying to choose a new leader. Two candidates, Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan, made their cases. McCarthy initially said he didn't want the job anymore, but he changed his mind if enough other Republicans supported him.

The Republican Party had an internal vote to pick a candidate for House leader, and House Democrats did something similar to nominate Hakeem Jeffries as their candidate for speaker.

Jim Jordan is a big Trump supporter, and he got Trump's approval. He is seen as one of the top choices. However, some people are upset with him because they think he was involved in trying to overturn the 2020 election results, which led to the attack on the Capitol building.

Steve Scalise is the second-ranking Republican in the House. He survived a shooting in 2017, but he faced criticism for speaking at a meeting of a white nationalist group in 2002. He has a strong conservative record and supports the fossil fuel industry.
We don't know when the full House will vote for the new leader yet. Republicans want to make sure they can agree on a leader without causing a big fight like they did with McCarthy. This might take some time.

This whole situation affects aid to Israel because the person currently in charge of the House, Patrick McHenry, put things on pause to figure out who the new leader should be. This pause happened right before the attack by Hamas, and it delayed important decisions about aid to Israel. So, they need to sort out the leadership issue before they can focus on other important matters. Please Share This News Thank You

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