US Election 2024: Congress has 'no positive messages' as Republicans struggle to elect new speaker, GOP lawmaker warns

In Washington, there's a bit of a problem in the House of Representatives. They've gone 12 days without choosing a speaker because some Republicans are having disagreements. Representative Dan Crenshaw from Texas says it's not a good situation, but it's not a huge crisis either.

He spoke on CNN and mentioned that even though things aren't great, it's part of how our democracy works. He means that sometimes things get messy when people in a democracy don't agree.

The trouble started when a few Republicans, along with all the Democrats, decided to remove the previous speaker, Kevin McCarthy. Since then, the House hasn't been able to get much done. There are important deadlines coming up, like government funding in mid-November and helping countries like Ukraine and Israel.
US Election 2024
Crenshaw thinks the problem is that some Republicans are not following the usual rules of democracy within their party. He said that normally, the majority decides, but in this case, only a few Republicans wanted to remove McCarthy, even though most had supported him earlier.

The Republicans nominated Jim Jordan to be the new speaker, but it seems like he might not have enough support to win the vote. They took a break for the weekend, hoping to convince more Republicans to back Jordan. But it's not clear if he can get the votes he needs.

Crenshaw is on Jordan's side, and he's telling others who support Jordan to be careful not to upset those who are unsure. He also says they shouldn't hold a vote for a new speaker unless they're sure Jordan will win with the required 217 votes.

He believes that everyone needs to come together, talk about their differences, and find a solution without causing more problems. It's important to have a calm and reasonable discussion to figure out what people want and why they are upset. Please Share This News And give your opinion in comment Thank You