US elections: Trump is threatening to come back; Joe Biden is trying to foil his bid

In the upcoming 2024 U.S. presidential election, it's expected to be a very close race between President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump. The election will take place on November 5, 2024, which is just a year away.
News agency Reuters says this election will be unlike any other recent U.S. election. The New York Times has noted that Biden and Trump are currently tied in popularity. Some are even calling it "the most important election since 1860," which was when Abraham Lincoln was elected, leading to the Civil War.

The last presidential election happened in 2020 and resulted in a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol. Unfortunately, this was the first failed coup attempt in American history. There are signs that the 2024 election may follow a similar pattern, with Donald Trump running against Joe Biden, but with their roles reversed.

Currently, nine Republicans, four Democrats, and two independent candidates are running for President in 2024. However, Biden and Trump could end up being the official nominees for their respective parties.

There might be surprises and unexpected turns in the election before November 5, 2024. For example, historical events like the Iran hostage crisis in 1979 and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 had a significant impact on previous elections.

Potential surprises in the 2024 election could include leading candidates dropping out, international conflicts affecting the outcomes, and legal challenges for President Trump, who is facing 91 criminal charges in four trials. The official nominees for the parties have yet to be announced, and it's interesting to note that the two oldest Presidents might be the contenders.

According to recent polls, Trump is leading his competitors by a significant margin. However, he might have difficulty winning over moderate and independent voters if he secures the Republican nomination.

On the Democratic side, Biden faces some challenges, with three lesser-known challengers, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running as an independent candidate. Kennedy's candidacy could impact the chances of the Democratic candidates. Currently, Trump is the favorite to win the 2024 Presidential election according to sportsbooks.
In terms of their presidencies, Biden is the current President, while Trump may become the Republican candidate despite facing legal troubles. Biden is highlighting his accomplishments, such as a growing economy, job stability, and a rebounding stock market. Trump, on the other hand, has promised stricter immigration policies and a tough approach to trade with China.

Both candidates have their strengths and weaknesses, and the election outcome is uncertain. Global issues like conflicts in Israel-Hamas and Ukraine are closely watched as they affect America's global role. The candidates are competing for donations, and the situation remains fluid, making predictions challenging. We kindly request you to disseminate this news and provide your insights in the comments section. Thank you