Will UAE hurt Russia with export controls to please the US amid Israel war?

The article is talking about how the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is being looked at by the United States and the European Union because of its connections with Russia. These connections have been making it difficult for the West to put economic pressure on Russia because of the war in Ukraine. 
Recently, representatives from the UK, EU, and the US went to the UAE to express their concerns about the UAE's ties with Russia. They are especially trying to stop Russia from getting certain products that can be used for both civilian and military purposes, like computer chips and electronic components.

The US warned the UAE, Oman, and Turkey earlier this year not to go against the sanctions and export controls placed on Russia. In April, the US even imposed sanctions on two UAE-based companies for sending drones, technology, and other goods to Russia.

Now, there are talks about the UAE possibly introducing export licenses on certain technologies, including semiconductors, to comply with Western demands. This might happen not just because of Western pressure but also because of concerns that the Israel-Gaza conflict could spread to other parts of the Middle East. In that case, the UAE would want to strengthen its relationship with the US.

The UAE is looking to maintain stability in the region, especially with the COP28 conference coming up. Even if export licenses are introduced, it's not clear how much this would affect UAE-Russia relations. Moscow might understand that the UAE is doing this under pressure from the West, and they would want to preserve some level of cooperation.

Introducing these export licenses could help the UAE's reputation as a reliable place for business and address national security concerns related to Russia's ties with Iran. The UAE is worried about the growing military partnership between Russia and Iran and its potential impact on the Middle East's security.

However, there are risks for the UAE in following the West's lead when it comes to relations with Russia. Russia has been getting weapons from Iran for its war in Ukraine, which could lead to Russia favoring Iran more in contentious matters between the UAE and Iran.

Some experts question whether the UAE will actually implement these export licenses to please Western countries. They believe that even if the UAE does this, there are ways for companies and individuals to bypass the controls, especially if it affects their business interests.

In summary, the article is about how the UAE's connections with Russia are causing concerns for Western countries, and the UAE might introduce export licenses to address these concerns and maintain its relationships in a complex geopolitical landscape.