Donald Trump Civil Fraud Trail: Former US President fined $10,000 for second gag order violation

Former US President Donald Trump was fined $10,000 by a New York judge, Justice Arthur Engoron, during his trial for breaking the rules. The judge had told him not to say bad things about people working in the court, but he didn't listen.

This all started on October 3 when Trump posted a picture on social media. In the picture, the judge's assistant was standing next to a powerful politician named Chuck Schumer, who is a Democrat. Trump said something untrue about the assistant being Schumer's girlfriend.
Donald Trump
Later, while the trial was paused, Trump talked to reporters in a hallway. He said some unkind things about the judge, calling him a biased judge and suggesting that the judge's assistant was also biased. The judge saw this as a clear violation of the rules and said it was a very obvious mistake. Trump tried to explain himself in court but the judge didn't buy it and warned Trump not to do it again.

This wasn't the first time Trump got fined. Earlier, on October 20, he had to pay $5,000 because he didn't remove a mean post about the judge's assistant. The judge had warned that if Trump continued to break the rules, he could face even worse consequences, like going to jail.

The trial is about accusations that Trump and his family company, the Trump Organization, played with the numbers to trick banks and insurance companies. The case could have a big impact on Trump's business.

Michael Cohen, who used to be Trump's lawyer and is an important witness, spoke in court for two days. He said Trump made property values look bigger than they really were to get cheaper insurance. Trump's lawyers said Cohen couldn't be trusted because he might want to hurt Trump for personal reasons.

The final decision in the trial will be made by Justice Engoron. The accusations against Trump include tax fraud, breaking campaign finance rules, and civil fraud. We kindly request you to disseminate this news and provide your insights in the comments section. Thank you

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