US Election 2024: Overwhelming majority of Americans see democracy at risk ahead of 2024 election

Many American voters are feeling anxious about the upcoming presidential election, according to a new survey by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and the Brookings Institution. The study shows that most Americans are worried about the state of democracy in the 2024 election, with some even thinking that violence might be necessary to protect the country.

The CEO of PRRI, Robert Jones, says that this election season could be quite challenging. The study found that 75% of those surveyed believe that American democracy is in danger in the 2024 election. Democrats are especially concerned, with 84% of them sharing this view. But a majority of Republicans and independent voters also agree.

What's even more troubling is that more Americans are open to the idea of political violence. Around 23% of those surveyed believe that, because things have gone so wrong, "American patriots" might need to use violence to save the country. This is an increase from 15% in 2021.

Jones believes that these views are a result of the deep divisions in American politics. He also thinks that the attack on the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, has contributed to these fears. Many people feel like there are no longer strong safeguards to protect democracy.
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The support for political violence largely falls along party lines. About one-third of Republicans support the idea of using violence to save the country, compared to 22% of independents and 13% of Democrats. Republicans who have favorable views of former President Trump are even more likely to support political violence.

The survey also found that more Americans are buying into conspiracy theories, especially QAnon. The number of QAnon believers has increased from 14% to 23% since 2021. However, Republicans are twice as likely as Democrats to believe in the core ideas of the QAnon conspiracy theory.

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Despite these divisions, there are areas of agreement among Americans. An overwhelming 94% of those surveyed believe that children should learn both the positive and negative aspects of American history so they can learn from the past. Only 4% think that children should be shielded from uncomfortable or guilty feelings about their ancestors' actions.

The survey also shows that a majority of Americans trust public school teachers to choose appropriate curriculum, and they oppose banning books that discuss slavery. According to Jones, most Americans trust teachers to make the right decisions for their children and are not in favor of banning certain books from schools. We kindly request you to disseminate this news and provide your insights in the comments section. Thank you

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