Exclusive poll: Joe Biden and Donald Trump tie at 37% as RFK Jr. costs Trump a narrow lead

The upcoming 2020 rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is causing a lot of confusion and uncertainty. In a recent poll, it turns out that both Biden and Trump have the same level of support, with 37% of people each backing them. But there's a twist – an independent candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is taking away some of Trump's potential votes, making the race even tighter.

Kennedy, who comes from a famous Democratic family, is getting 13% of the vote in this imaginary matchup. Most of his supporters say they would have otherwise voted for Trump.
Joe Biden
There's also another independent candidate, Cornel West, who has 4% of the support. If he wasn't in the race, his supporters would likely vote for Biden.

This survey shows that the 2020 rematch is complicated because of the addition of independent candidates.

Some people, like Carl Hickey, who is a Democrat, would consider voting for a third-party candidate if the right one came along because they want to see a change and an end to the division in the country.

On the other hand, Desiree Whitney, who voted for Trump in 2020, might vote for Kennedy in 2024 because he seems different from typical politicians. However, it's important to note that Kennedy has been known for promoting conspiracy theories about vaccinations.

The poll also found that 26% of voters are open to supporting a bipartisan ticket with a Republican and a Democrat, which a group called No Labels might propose. Biden supporters are more likely to consider this option compared to Trump supporters.

Without Kennedy or West in the race, Trump and Biden are pretty much tied. Trump has strengthened his position in the Republican field, with 58% support, while his main challenger, Ron DeSantis, has lost some ground and now has 12% support.

When it comes to voter enthusiasm, Trump's supporters are more enthusiastic than Biden's. Trump scored an average enthusiasm rating of 7.1, while Biden was at 6.28. A large percentage of Trump's supporters, especially Republicans and union members, are very enthusiastic about him.
Donald Trump
However, among Biden's supporters, there isn't as much enthusiasm. Only a small percentage of them are highly enthusiastic.

The poll also revealed that 40% of people approve of the job President Biden is doing, while 56% disapprove.

When asked what it would take to change their support for Trump, many of his supporters couldn't think of anything that would make them change their minds. A majority of them, 52%, said they would vote for him unless it was nearly impossible to do so.

Around a third of Trump supporters could imagine changing their vote, but it would take something like offensive behavior, a change in his policy views, a better candidate, or him being in jail. We kindly request you to disseminate this news and provide your insights in the comments section. Thank you

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