US Election 2024: Why Trump, Biden are still front-runners

The 2024 election is shaping up to be interesting. A poll in August by the Associated Press asked people what words came to mind when they thought of the top candidates for each party: President Joe Biden for Democrats and former President Donald Trump for Republicans.

For Biden, people said things like "old," "outdated," "slow," and "confused." Trump didn't fare much better, with words like "corrupt," "crooked," and "bad" coming to mind.
US Election 2024
What's surprising is that these two are leading the primary race. It makes you wonder what people think of the other candidates. It seems like Biden and Trump might be the only options.

So, how did we get here? Let's start with the Republicans. A year ago, it seemed like Trump's hold on the party was weakening. After losing the Georgia Senate races, some Republicans were distancing themselves from Trump. In the 2022 midterm election, they didn't do as well as expected, and Trump got blamed.

Then, Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis seemed like a rising star, making Trump look like a thing of the past. But things changed in early 2023 when Trump was indicted in New York. Instead of fading, Trump rallied his base, presenting himself as a victim fighting against the "Deep State."

Republicans didn't want an alternative to Trump, and their support for him grew. By the end of summer, Trump was in a strong position to be the Republican nominee.

For Biden, his path to the nomination was always clear since he decided to run for a second term. However, many Democrats, especially young people, are not thrilled with the idea of voting for him again. They think he's too old for the job. Biden would be 82 years old by the time he starts a second term, and there are signs of him slowing down.

Some Democrats whispered about the need for fresh blood in the form of new candidates like Michigan's Governor Gretchen Whitmer or Pennsylvania's Josh Shapiro. But these were just whispers until Minnesota Representative Dean Phillips publicly expressed his doubts about Biden.

Phillips argued that the Democratic Party couldn't take a risk with an elderly candidate in the face of the serious threat posed by Trump. He worried about the possibility of a health issue in the middle of the primary.

Despite Phillips' concerns, no other elected officials chose to challenge Biden in the primaries. Marianne Williamson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. briefly considered it but didn't make significant waves.

So, it seems that Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee, even though some in his party have doubts about his age and ability to compete. The party hopes he'll make it through the general election without any major health issues.

In the general election, it's expected to be a close race between Biden and Trump. Trump will likely paint a dark picture of America under Biden, saying he's the only one who can fix it. Biden will focus on his accomplishments and try to present himself as a serious leader.

The election will probably come down to a small number of swing states. In 2020, Biden won four key swing states, but his margins were tiny. Less than 250,000 votes decided the election.
US Election 2024
So, who will win in 2024? It's hard to predict, but one guess is that Biden may win because many swing voters have already decided not to vote for Trump. They might hold their nose and vote for Biden instead.

And one more prediction: Trump will likely not accept the election results again, and some of his supporters will believe him. However, this time, Trump won't have the power of government behind him, which might reduce the impact of his claims.

Finally, if Trump's health remains good, he might run for president again in 2028 and have a decent chance of becoming the Republican nominee. So, brace yourselves for an interesting political future. We kindly request you to disseminate this news and provide your insights in the comments section. Thank you

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