No ceasefire in Gaza, no votes, Muslim Americans tell Joe Biden

Some Muslim and Arab American groups are upset with President Joe Biden. They say they won't give him money or votes for his 2024 election unless he does something to stop the fighting in Gaza. They want him to use his influence with Israel to make a ceasefire happen by a certain time.
The National Muslim Democratic Council, which has leaders from important states like Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, is behind this. They say they'll get Muslim, Arab, and other voters to not support any candidate who supports Israel's actions against the Palestinian people.

They think the U.S. government's support for Israel has made the violence worse, and people don't trust Biden anymore.

Some groups say almost 1.1 million Muslims voted in the 2020 election. Most of them voted for Biden, but now support for him has dropped among Arab Americans.

The White House is trying to deal with these concerns. Biden met with some Muslim leaders, but they want the war in Gaza to stop.

Some local groups are planning protests, and they're frustrated that Biden hasn't criticized Israel's attacks on Gaza.

Israel's leader says they won't stop their attacks, and the U.S. government thinks it wouldn't help right now.

A congresswoman from Michigan, Rashida Tlaib, made a video saying she won't vote for Biden in 2024 because of his support for Israel's actions. We kindly request you to disseminate this news and provide your insights in the comments section. Thank you