US Election 2024: Mike Pence suspends 2024 presidential campaign

Mike Pence won't be running for the 2024 US presidential election anymore. He had a tough time gathering support and his popularity in polls was dropping. During a surprise speech at a Republican event, he announced he was suspending his campaign starting that day.

Pence explained that after traveling around the country for the past six months, he realized that it wasn't the right time for him to run. He originally decided to run for president because he believed the country was facing significant problems, and he had no regrets about his decision, even though he knew it was going to be a tough challenge.
Mike Pence
Unfortunately, Pence's campaign didn't do well this year, and national polls showed he had only about 3.8% support among Republicans. He also struggled to raise money for his campaign, with less than $5 million collected between July and September.

This move by Pence might signal the beginning of a process where other candidates drop out, too. The Republican primary race is currently led by Donald Trump with over 50% support and Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, with 14%.

One of Pence's major donors expressed disappointment about his withdrawal. He believed Pence had the right qualities to be the Republican nominee, but given the tough odds, he thought it was better for him to withdraw early. He expects that as the field narrows down, there will be a single contender who will compete against Trump for the Republican nomination.

Pence and Trump had a major falling out after Pence refused to block the certification of Joe Biden's 2020 electoral college victory, as Trump wanted. Trump's supporters even targeted Pence during the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. The two have clashed throughout their presidential campaigns, with Trump facing multiple criminal charges related to the 2020 election.

Pence explained that Trump asked him to put him above the Constitution, which he couldn't do, and he believes that anyone who prioritizes themselves over the Constitution shouldn't be the President of the United States. Trump, on the other hand, called Pence "delusional" and claimed he had gone to the "Dark Side."

Chris Christie, a former governor of New Jersey running in the Republican primary, praised Pence for putting his oath of office and the Constitution ahead of personal and political pressures. We kindly request you to disseminate this news and provide your insights in the comments section. Thank you