Donald Trump Campaign Officials Try to Play Down Contentious 2025 Plans

Two important figures from Donald Trump's 2024 campaign, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, wanted to clarify the campaign's stance on recent reports about their plans if Trump were to return to the White House. They issued a joint statement addressing the articles, many of which were published in The New York Times.
donald trump
Wiles and LaCivita expressed frustration with outside groups, although they didn't specifically name them, that have been actively preparing personnel lists and policies for a potential right-wing administration. They emphasized that these groups don't speak for President Trump or his campaign, and they dismissed reports about personnel and policy intentions as "purely speculative and theoretical" and "merely suggestions."

Despite the campaign's efforts to position Trump as a substantive candidate on policy within the Republican Party, internal discussions have revealed advisors' discontent with groups taking credit for their work and generating headlines that might alienate moderate voters in a general election.

The statement didn't disavow the outside groups but seemed intended to discourage them from speaking to the press. One challenge for Trump's team is that some of the most controversial proposals have come directly from Trump himself.

For example, a June article in The Times discussed Trump's plans to wield the Justice Department for political purposes, investigating and prosecuting political adversaries. Trump publicly stated in June his intention to appoint a special prosecutor to go after Joe Biden and 

the "Biden crime family." Another Times article outlined Trump's immigration plans for a second term, including a promise for the "largest domestic deportation operation in American history" and inflammatory language about immigrants "poisoning the blood of our country."

The Times also explored plans by Trump allies, such as Stephen Miller, the architect of the Trump administration's immigration policy, and Russell T. Vought, former director of the Office of Management and Budget. While the statement from Wiles and

 LaCivita clarified that all 2024 campaign policy announcements would come from President Trump or his campaign team, it acknowledged that external allies could make recommendations but emphasized they are not official campaign statements. We kindly request you to disseminate this news and provide your insights in the comments section. Thank you