Tim Scott, lone Black Republican in US Senate, ends White House bid

U.S. Senator Tim Scott has decided to stop running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. This comes after spending a lot of money on his campaign without gaining much support in national polls.
us eletion 2024
Scott said on Fox News that voters have made it clear that it's not the right time for him to run. His decision might help other candidates, especially Nikki Haley, who is trying to challenge the leading candidate, former President Donald Trump.

After Scott dropped out, two big supporters of his campaign said they would now support Haley. One of them, Andy Sabin, plans to host a fundraiser for her.

Scott, the only Black Republican in the Senate, started his campaign in May, aiming to present a positive vision for America. He positioned himself as a conservative who could bring people together better than Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Although Scott saw some increase in polls in a few states over the summer, he struggled to stand out in the crowded field. He didn't explain to Trump supporters why they should move on from the former president.

Despite having support from major donors, Scott faced challenges. During debates, he didn't make a strong impression, and his confrontational approach in the fall didn't boost his polls. As his financial situation worsened, it became clear his campaign was facing difficulties. We kindly request you to disseminate this news and provide your insights in the comments section. Thank you