Indian American Presidential Candidates Support Israel After Hamas' Attacks

Two Republican candidates for the presidency, Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy, are showing their support for Israel after a series of attacks by a group called Hamas. These attacks resulted in the tragic deaths of more than 700 people. In response, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) carried out airstrikes targeting important places for Hamas. Sadly, about 400 people in Gaza lost their lives due to these airstrikes. This situation is one of the most serious escalations in many years.

Nikki Haley, a Republican presidential candidate, spoke to NBC News about the situation. She explained that Hamas, along with its supporters like the Iranian government, have been saying things like "Death to Israel" and "Death to America." She believes we should stand with Israel because groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and their backers in Iran don't like us.

Haley also reminded us that what's happening in Israel could happen in the United States. She introduced a resolution against Hamas when she was the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and even though the world didn't support it, the United States did. She believes we shouldn't give in to world pressure now.

Another Republican candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy, who is of Indian descent, pointed out that the attack on Israel should be a lesson for America. He said we can't be too relaxed about protecting our borders. He mentioned that our borders, both southern and northern, are vulnerable. Just like Israel, we must be vigilant.
Ramaswamy also criticized America's foreign policy, saying it focuses too much on other countries' issues and leaves our borders and defenses weak. He thinks we should take the attacks on Israel as a warning and strengthen our defenses.

Indian American Congressman Ami Bera strongly condemned the terrorist attack by Hamas. He emphasized that it's crucial for the United States to stand by Israel and support its right to defend itself. Another Indian American Congressman, Thanedar, echoed this sentiment, saying Congress should support Israel until the threat is eliminated and security is restored.

Mukesh Aghi, the head of the US India Strategic and Partnership Forum (USISPF), showed his support for Israel on social media. He posted, "I stand with Israel," with the Indian flag in the background. Bharat Barai, a leader in the Indian American community, also expressed his support for Israel. He called Hamas and Hezbollah the most brutal terrorist organizations in the world and said Israel has every right to defend itself against these ruthless groups.

In simple terms, these Republican candidates and leaders are saying that we should support Israel because it's facing a dangerous threat from a terrorist group called Hamas. They believe that what's happening in Israel could happen in the United States if we don't take our borders and defenses seriously. They also criticize America's foreign policy for not prioritizing our security enough. They want us to stand with Israel and condemn the terrorists. Please Share This News Thank You

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