US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrives in Tel Aviv amid Israel-Hamas conflict

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken came to Tel Aviv in Israel with his team. He's here during a tough time when there's a fight between Israel and Hamas, which began on October 7.

Blinken's team includes some important people like his advisor Derek Chollet, his assistant Tom Sullivan, a spokesperson from the US Department of State named Matthew Miller, Barbara Leaf, who handles affairs in the Middle East, Hady Amr, who's in charge of Palestinian matters, and Steve Gillen, who deals with hostage situations.
Antony Blinken
While he's here, Blinken is going to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Brigadier General Gal Hirsch, and other Israeli leaders. After that, he'll head to Jordan to meet King Abdullah and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Before leaving the United States, Blinken said, "We are going to Israel with a clear message from the President of the United States: We've got Israel's back. We support Israel now and always."

He also mentioned that he'd be meeting with Israeli leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu and Isaac Herzog, and he's excited to meet the US embassy team in Israel. Blinken emphasized that the United States will make sure Israel has everything it needs to protect itself.
Antony Blinken
He added, "We're determined to ensure that Israel has all it needs to defend itself. They've already asked for military help, and we're sending it. This is in addition to the support we've been giving for years, including an agreement made during President Obama's time to ensure Israel's security."

Sadly, many people have been hurt and even lost their lives in this conflict. According to The Times of Israel, over 1,300 people in Israel have died, and more than 3,300 are injured. Some are in critical condition, and many are in serious condition. There are also about 150 people who were taken to Gaza by Hamas during the attack, and we don't know what's happened to them yet. Please Share This News Thank You

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