Israel Hamas War: Donald Trump's potential role in Mossad intel failure in spotlight

The news is talking about something that happened in 2017 when Donald Trump was the President of the United States. He shared secret information with Russian officials, and now people are talking about it again because there is a big conflict in Israel.

In 2017, Trump told the Russian Foreign Minister and the Russian Ambassador in Washington about secret information. This information was about a group called ISIS in the Middle East and some things related to airplane safety. This secret information originally came from Israel.

People were worried that Russia might tell this secret information to Iran. Iran supports a group called Hamas, which is fighting against Israel. So, if Iran got this secret information, it could help Hamas, and that's not good for Israel.

Now, there's a big problem in Israel because Hamas, which is considered a terrorist group by the United States and Europe, attacked Israel very strongly. It was one of the worst attacks in a long time.
Israel Hamas War
Some people are saying that Trump sharing this secret information in 2017 might be one of the reasons why Hamas could attack Israel so badly. They think that because Russia is friends with Iran, and Iran might have used this secret information to help Hamas.

Israeli officials are surprised that they didn't know about this big attack by Hamas, even though it would have taken a lot of planning and getting ready.

In 2017, Trump said he shared this secret information with Russia because he wanted to talk about terrorism and airplane safety. He thought it was the right thing to do, and he wanted Russia to help fight against ISIS and terrorism. Please Share This News Thank You

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