Joe Biden Trails Donald Trump In Key States Ahead Of 2024 Election: Polls 

A new poll came out showing that Joe Biden, the current President of the United States, is not doing well in five important states. These states played a big role in helping him win the 2020 election. In these states, he's behind by as much as 10 percentage points when compared to Donald Trump, who might run against him in the next election.
The poll was conducted from October 22 to November 3. It found that more than 70% of the people surveyed think Biden is too old to be President, even though he's 80 years old. Only 19% feel the same way about Trump, who is 77 years old.

People also said they trust Trump more on topics like the economy, immigration, and the conflict between Israel and Hamas. In Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, more people said they would vote for Trump over Biden next year, by a margin of 4 to 10 percentage points. However, in Wisconsin, Biden has a small lead of two points.

The poll also found that people trust Biden more when it comes to issues like abortion and democracy. They prefer him over Trump on these matters. 

Surprisingly, even though young voters strongly supported Biden in 2020, his lead among voters under 30 has dropped to just one percentage point in this poll. 

The Biden campaign isn't too worried about these numbers. They believe things can change a lot in a year, and they are working hard to reach and mobilize their supporters.

In the end, the 2024 election is still a long way off, and a lot can happen between now and then. We kindly request you to disseminate this news and provide your insights in the comments section. Thank you